Jun 4, 2012

Schengen Petition

Sent to the European Parliament, European Council and European Comissionat 13.02.2012!

" European Association for Economic Opposition admits the importance of concentrating the European Union institutions’ efforts to save the euro and, implicitly, the european construction.

European Association for Economic Opposition recommends the EU institutions not to neglect the economic, social and political issues that have emerged lately in the community countries in South-East Europe.

European Association for Economic Opposition believes the funds and the financial loans for the community countries of the former soviet bloc states to be scarce.

European Association for Economic Opposition finds appropriate for the EU to help these countries overcome the social problems emerged, even though they are outside the Euro area.

European Association for Economic Opposition considers that the EU must prove to be responsibly sympathetic towards the community countries outside the Euro area, where the social protests and the political instabilities are the direct consequence of economic austerity measures and of budget deficits fixed and imposed by the EU.

European Association for Economic Opposition draws the attention of the EU in the sense that the street protests and the political instability in countries like Romania can be negatively exploited by interest groups or countries that are hostile to the European construction (Iran, for example);the setup of U.S. missile elements in Romania, the ethnic sensitivity beetween Romania-Hungary, Romania- Moldavia, Romania-Ukraine and the territorial claims of extremist
organizations in these countries (that are rising amid poverty) can become vulnerability of the EU and can be easily exploited by terrorists.

Consequently, European Association for Economic Opposition demands the EU to immediately include Romania and Bulgaria in the Schengen area."

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